Welcome to Jon’s Deep Thoughts

Jon’s Deep Thoughts, JDT, is my personal blog where I share the current projects I am working on, publish stories, essays and articles that I write.

Here you’ll find everything from my personal records and reflections of living as a young Marine in Iraq and other military related articles. Other essays include topics such as the current state of defense in the Middle East and various questions I’ve been asked about the state and direction of warfare and military life. Sometimes articles will also reflect my background working with Silicon Valley Start-ups, finance and business, and the education sector. Other essays, stories, anecdotes and musings will appear here, as well.

This is my way of sharing my hobby and interests with the community. I love writing and sharing knowledge either to grow my audience or just to entertain them. Everything you see here is completely free and sponsored by the artist crowdsourcing platform Patreon. Direct contributions and pledges from patrons helps keep me writing, purchase better tools and justify my hobby to my wife. If you have enjoyed my writing anywhere here on Jon’s Deep Thoughts, then I would like you to visit my Patreon support page and watch my video. There is no obligation to donate and thanks for visiting JDT!

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